Monday 26 June 2017

Veteran Day July 25th.

Vorige week vierden we  Veteranendag. We zagen militairen van allerlei rangen, kleuren, die overal op de wereld dienst hebben gedaan. Er waren soldaten die in de Tweede Wereldoorlog hadden gevochten.
Het was soms ontroerend om de oude krijgers te zien marcheren. De jonge soldaten die nog niet zo'n ervaring hadden meegemaakt, maar wel klaar waren hun land te verdedigen, maakten op mij erg veel indruk, omdat sommige van hen jong zouden sterven of gevangen genomen zouden worden.

Tussen al deze troepen miste ik de soldaten die ik als kind gezien had en die als gevangenen van het Japanse leger op ons erf in Malang hun eten moesten koken.
De Japanse bezetting was nog maar pas begonnen in maart 1942. Japanse militairen hadden de school tegenover ons huis ingenomen.
Op een dag kwam er een soldaat vragen of zijn gevangenen hun eten mochten klaar maken op ons erf. Het waren Molukse soldaten.

Ze zaten op hun hurken te kipassen( te wapperen)om het vuur brandend te houden.( Een kipas is een bamboe waaier.)
Een jonge Molukse jongen zei, terwijl hij mijn moeder niet aankeek:"Mevrouw, Nederland zal toch herrijzen!".Gelukkig verstond de Japanse soldaat die naast hem stond, geen woord Nederlands
Wat moeder terug zei, weet ik niet meer, maar ze keek de jongen ontroerd aan.

Kijk, die jongen en alle andere nog in leven zijnde Molukse ex-militairen van het KNIL(Koninklijk Nederlands-Indische Leger) had er gisteren bij moeten zijn. Zij waren de trouwste soldaten van dit leger. Dit werd niet beloond, want toen ze in de vijftiger jaren in Nederland kwamen, werden ze allemaal ontslagen. Ze hadden alles in Ambon en de andere eilanden achtergelaten. Ze zijn heel slecht behandeld door de Nederlandse regering. Dus nodig deze mannen volgend jaar vooral uit.

Last week we celebrated Veteran Day.
We saw soldiers of all ranks and colours, who had served all over the world. There were soldiers who had fought in World-war II. It was touching to see the old warriors marching on. I was impressed by the young soldiers who had not yet witnessed these  experiences, but were ready to defend their country, while some of them were going to die young or would become prisoners of war.

Among all those troops I missed the soldiers who I had seen when I was a child and who, being prisoners of the Japanese army, had to cook their meals in our yard in Malang...

The Japanese occupation had only just begun in March 1942.

The Japanese military had taken the school opposite our house in their possession.

One day a soldier came to ask if his prisoners were allowed to prepare their meals in our yard.

They were Moluccan soldiers.

They were squatting and fanning to keep the fire burning with a kipas(a bamboo fan).

A young Moluccan man said, while he didn't look at my mum:"Madam, The Netherlands will rise again!"Fortunately the Japanese soldier standing next to him, could not understand Dutch. I don't remember what mum said to him but she looked at him with emotion.

Well, that boy and the other soldiers of the KNIL( Royal Dutch Indian Army) who are still alive, should have been there at Veteran Day. They were the most faithful soldiers of this army..

They were not rewarded,for when they arrived in the Netherlands in the fifties, they were all dismissed from Her Majesty's Service. They had left everything in Ambon and the other islands.

They were treated badly . So next time invite these men too, by all means.

Welcome to Our World Tuesday! This meme continues in memory of the work of Klaus Peter, whose "that's My World" brought people together from around the world every Monday to share the wonders therein--big and small.Please click on our  logo for "Our World Tuesday" in the sidebar.


Photo Cache said...

Long time no see Reader Wil.

Worth a Thousand Words

carol l mckenna said...

Honorable post and creative photo ~ ^_^

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

What an amazing story Wil. Frightening to realize those soldiers were not treated well after -- but that happens too often everywhere. I am glad your mother let them cook in your yard -- it certainly taught a good lesson to you to always be kind.